This article gives more information about adding a dual role (admin and learner) to a user in the ITI Learning Hub.
To assign a dual role (manager and learner) to a user visit, login, and click "Assign Dual Roles" from the left menu.
1. Select the user to be upgraded from your list of Learners.
Searching for first name, last name, or email address in the blank field will narrow your list of Learners.
The user you are upgrading must currently have a learner account. Note that the user list can take up to 12 hours to update. If you need to create a manager who is not currently in the system, you may want to reach out to ITI support for faster service at
2. Select the Manager Role to be added to the Learner Role
Panorama Administrator: receives all available permissions. Admins can add users, disable users, edit user info, change user passwords, edit sublicenses, email learners, grade assignments, run reports, assign courses/learning paths, moderate discussions, forgive test attempts, take assessments on behalf of learners, for all users.
Sublicense Manager: receives most available permissions. Sublicense Managers can add users, disable users, edit user info, change user passwords, email learners, grade assignments, run reports, assign courses/learning paths, and take assessments on behalf of learners for users in their sublicense. Note that the system will use their Learner sublicense to determine what sublicense the manager is added to. If you need a manager added to a different sublicense from their learner account you may edit their learner account (prior to upgrading) or reach out to
Training Records Manager: is primarily for reporting purposes. Training Records Managers can only edit user info and run reports for users in their sublicense. Note that the system will use their Learner sublicense to determine what sublicense the manager is added to. If you need a manager added to a different sublicense from their learner account you may edit their learner account (prior to upgrading) or reach out to
Assessor: is primarily to take assessments on behalf of the learner. They can edit user info, view reports, and take assessments on behalf of a learner (practical assessments) for users in their sublicense. Note that the system will use their Learner sublicense to determine what sublicense the manager is added to. If you need a manager added to a different sublicense from their learner account you may edit their learner account (prior to upgrading) or reach out to
NBIS Manager and Member Organization Admin were created for organizations with many admins from several different companies. If you feel these roles may be useful to you reach out to your CSM or Project Manager for more information.