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Simulcast Courses & Virtual Q&A Office Hours - Q2-2022

Virtually join ITI Courses as well as Q&A sessions with ITI Instructors from anywhere

Simulcasted Course Options

ITI has a dedicated, virtual classroom! That's right, we have fully equipped one of our Houston, TX classrooms in order to provide you with our award winning, Instructor Led Training via simulcast. Now students have the ability to join our classroom sessions from virtually anywhere! We will continue to expand the simulcast course options and are currently offering:

  • NCCCO Mobile Crane Operator Test Prep
  • NCCCO Signalperson, Rigger I & II Test Prep

Technology Requirements:

  • You must have a stable internet connection.
  • Webcams are required to be on during classroom sessions.
  • Microphones are required to allow for student/instructor interaction.
  • Your computer must allow for Zoom Meetings to run.

Instructor Q&A Office Hours

ITI Instructors & Subject-Matter Experts will now be available for "office hours" - two-hour webinar meetings with no set agenda, in which you can ask them questions relating to the following disciplines:

  • Rigging Activities, Inspection & Maintenance
  • Overhead Crane Operation & Maintenance
  • Mobile Crane & Equipment Operation & Maintenance
  • Rigging Engineering & Lift Planning

You will be able to find office hour options soon at https://learn.iti.com/catalog