Daily Toolbox Talk & Training for Safety Week!
Rigging, hoisting, and crane activities are among the most risky and dangerous activities conducted on construction sites. During safety week, take a little time each morning with your craft teams to ignite those neurons by watching a free video or reviewing a quick toolbox talk on a crane and rigging subject presented by Industrial Training International. Videos and files for print will be posted each evening and available on any mobile device or browser each morning of Safety Week, at iti.com/safetyweek.
In Rigging, Sometimes 4 = 2 | Monday
When making lifts using various pick points on a load, the rigger must review the weight and the location of the load's center of gravity (CG) to determine the amount of load he can anticipate at each pick point. The distribution of the load's weight to the pick points is dependent on the proportional split - north:south and west:east.
Click here to download the full PDF file
Rigging Inspection Quiz | Tuesday
Test your knowledge of OSHA regulations, ASME standards and manufacturer recommendations for usage.
Click here to download the full PDF file (including answer key)
People vs. Loads - No Contest! | Wednesday
Many accidents and near misses can be avoided if precautions are taken concerning the number of people around, under and above a load when it is being transported from one location to another during the pre-lift meeting, many questions should be asked as to the people and machinery in the load's travel route.
Click here to download the full PDF file
D/d Ratio | Thursday
The use of multi-part braided slings appears to be returning to the marketplace. In the fabrication of these slings, generally a single wire rope is braided or helically laid back against its own body to form an eye and eye sling. By design it allows the sling to have the relative bendability of the component wire rope plus a high strength value based on the sum of its parts. The number of component wire ropes in a multi-part sling could be as many as nine or as few as three.
Click here to download the full PDF file
Rigging Selection | Friday
Rig from the bottom up. Select the correct rigging for the load below using the Master Rigger's Reference Card panels below.