Standards Library
Regulatory bodies the world over have published laws, standards, and recommended best practices that govern the crane, rigging, and load handling space. Knowledge of these principles is essential to success in a number of roles and experience levels. All of the information below is public record and available to anyone.
Federal OSHA Interpretations
General Industry - Powered Industrial Trucks 29CRF1910.178
General Industry - Overhead and Gantry Cranes 29CRF1910.179
General Industry - Crawler, Locomotive and Truck Cranes 29CFR1910.180
General Industry - Derricks 29CFR1910.181
General Industry - Slings 29CFR1910.184
Construction - Rigging Equipment for Material Handling 29CFR1926.251
ASME B30 and P30 Volumes
Standards are grouped by the domain(s) covered in the applicable ASME Volume and list local documents/laws that cover the content in specific countries or regions
- ASME B30.1
- ASME B30.2
B30.1 Jacks, Industrial Rollers, Air Casters, and Hydraulic Gantries
- DIN 7355 Dez. 1970, Serienhebezeuge; Stahlwinden (Crank Jacks)
- Directive 2006/42/EC on Machinery (Jacks)
- EMC Directive 2004/108/EC (Jacks)
- EN 982:1996, Safety of Machinery - Hydrauilics (Jacks)
- EN 61000-6-2:2005, Electromagnetic Compatibility: Emission Standards (Jacks)
- EN 61000-6-4:2007, Electromagnetic Compatibility: Immunity Standards (Jacks)
- EN-ISO 12100-1:2003, Safety of Machinery - Basic Terminology & Methodology (Jacks)
- EN-ISO 12100-2:2003, Safety of Machinery - Technical Principles (Jacks)
- Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC (Jacks)
- RoHS Directive 2005/618/EC (Jacks)
United Kingdom
B30.1 Jacks, Industrial Rollers, Air Casters, and Hydraulic Gantries
- BS 7121-13:2009, Code of Practice for the Safe Use of Cranes Part 13: Hydraulic Gantry Lifting Systems
B30.2 Overhead and Gantry Cranes (Top Running Bridge, Single or Multiple Girder, Top Running Trolley Hoist)
- AS 1418.1, Cranes, Hoists, and Winches - General Requirements
- AS 1418.3, Cranes, Hoists, and Winches - Bridge, Gantry, Portal (Including Container Cranes), Jib, and Monorail Cranes
- AS 1418.12, Cranes, (Including Hoists, and Winches) - Crane Collector Systems
- AS 1418.14, Cranes (Including Hoists and Winches) - Requirements for Cranes in Arduous Working Conditions
- AS 1418.18, Cranes (Including Hoists and Winches) - Crane Runways and Monorails
- AS 2550.1, Cranes, Hoists, and Winches - Safe Use - General Requirements
- AS 2550.3, Cranes, Hoists, and Winches - Safe Use - Bridge, Gantry, Portal (Including Container Cranes), Jib, and Monorail Cranes
B30.2 Overhead and Gantry Cranes (Top Running Bridge, Single or Multiple Girder, Top Running Trolley Hoist)
- CSA B167-2008, Overhead Travelling Cranes - Design, Inspection, Testing, Maintenance, and Safe Operation
B30.2 Overhead and Gantry Cranes (Top Running Bridge, Single or Multiple Girder, Top Running Trolley Hoist)
- BS 2853:1957, Specification the Design and Testing of Steel Overhead Runway Beams
- ISO 4301-5:1991, Cranes - Classification - Part 5: Overhead Travelling and Portal Bridge Cranes
- ISO 4306-5:2005, Cranes - Vocabulary - Part 5: Bridge and Gantry Cranes
- ISO 7752-5:1985, Lifting Appliances - Controls - Layout and Characteristics - Part 5: Overhead Travelling Cranes and Portal Bridge Cranes
- ISO 8566-5:1992, Cranes - Cabins - Part 5: Overhead Travelling and Portal Bridge Cranes
- ISO 8686-5:1992, Cranes - Design Principles for Loads and Load Combinations - Part 5: Overhead Travelling and Portal Bridge Cranes
- ISO 9374-5:1991, Cranes - Information to be Provided - Part 5: Overhead Travelling Cranes and Portal Bridge Cranes
- ISO 10245-5:1995, Cranes - Limiting and Indicating Devices - Part 5: Overhead Travelling and Portal Bridge Cranes
- ISO 10972-5:2006, Cranes - Requirements for Mechanisms - Part 5: Bridge and Gantry Cranes
- ISO 11660-5:2001, Cranes - Access, Guards and Restraints - Part 5: Bridge and Gantry Cranes
- ISO 13200:1995, Cranes - Safety Signs and Hazard Pictorials - General Principles
- ISO 13202:2003, Cranes - Measurement of Velocity and Time Parameters
- ISO 14518:2005, Cranes - Requirements for Test Loads
- ISO 15442:2005, Cranes - Safety Requirements for Loader Cranes
- ISO 15513:2000, Cranes - Competency Requirements for Crane Drivers (Operators), Slingers, Signallers, and Assessors
- ISO 16881-1:2005, Cranes - Design Calculation for Rail Wheels and Associated Trolley Track Supporting Structure - Part 1: General
- ISO 22986:2007, Cranes - Stiffness - Bridge and Gantry Cranes
- ISO 23814:2009, Cranes - Competency Requirements for Crane Inspectors
- ISO 23815-1:2007, Cranes - Maintenance - Part 1: General
- ISO 23853:2004, Cranes - Training of Slingers and Signalers
- ISO/CD 17440, Cranes - General Design - Limit States and Proof of Competence of Forged Steel Hooks
- ISO/TR 16880:2004, Cranes - Bridge and Gantry Cranes - International Standards for Design and Manufacturing Requirements and Recommendations
- ISO/TS 15696:2000, Cranes - List of Equivalent Terms
New Zealand
B30.2 Overhead and Gantry Cranes (Top Running Bridge, Single or Multiple Girder, Top Running Trolley Hoist)
- Approved Code of Practice for Cranes, 3rd Edition
B30.2 Overhead and Gantry Cranes (Top Running Bridge, Single or Multiple Girder, Top Running Trolley Hoist)
- SS497:2011, Code of Practice for Design, Safe Use and Maintenance of Gantry, Overhead traveling Cranes, and Monorail Hoists
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