Your learning style can have a major impact on the amount of time it takes for you to grasp and retain new content, which is why it is beneficial to know your style and seek out teachings which cater to it specifically.
Fortunately, at ITI we specialize in producing content for a variety of learning styles. Whether you are a visual learner or happen to excel in a more hands-on environment, we have the right training solution for you! In this blog, we take a high-level look at the four primary learning styles, to help you better understand which ITI Training Solutions best align with your preference.
ASME recently released the 2020 edition of BTH-1 "Design of Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices." Since the first edition of this design standard (BTH-1-2005), new editions have been released by ASME every three years. The new edition is available from ASME at In addition to numerous editorial changes, the most significant technical changes in this new edition are covered in our blog by guest author, David Duerr, P.E.