Mobile Crane Inspector - Qualified
All mechanics and maintenance personnel who are responsible for their company's crane(s) should attend this course, especially those industries with high-use cranes, such as production and construction.
Each student that completes the full 5-day course will receive 4.0 Continuing Education Units (CEUs), as well as a certificate of completion.
Upcoming Training Center Courses
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upcoming course dates and locations.
Course Outline
- Safety Procedures
- Record Keeping
- Component Identification
- Structural Components
- Mechanical Systems
- Electrical, Hydraulic, & Air Systems
- Hoist Systems
- Crane Safety Items
- Full Inspection
Upon Completion
Each student that completes the full 5-day course will receive 4.0 Continuing Education Units (CEUs), as well as a certificate of completion. All ITI Training Center Open Enrollment Students will receive the following student materials:
- Mobile Crane Inspector Student Workbook
- Mobile Crane Inspection Guidelines - OSHA
- Mobile Crane Pendant Line Removal Criteria
- Rigging Gear Inspection Reference Card
- Lattice Boom Cranes Inspection Form
- Telescoping Boom Cranes Inspection Form
- Sheave Gauges (x2)
- Calipers
- Marlin Spike
- ITI Mobile Crane Inspector Load Charts
Hands-on inspections of Conventional (Lattice) and Hydraulic Boom Cranes will be performed by participants, and a performance evaluation of each inspector will be conducted. A five-year ITI Qualification is issued to participants who successfully pass the written exam and performance evaluations of one or both crane types.
PPE Information
The following PPE is required for all hands-on sessions at ITI Training Centers:
OSHA-approved hard hat*
Eye protection*
Long pants with no holes or tears
Low-heeled work boots or work shoes
Full-fingered work gloves*
OSHA-approved safety vest*
*ITI Training Centers will make these PPE items available for all enrolled students. Students are responsible for their own appropriate garments and footwear.
Host Mobile Crane Inspector at your location
Daily Training Schedule
Each participant will receive a Mobile Crane Inspector Student Workbook, Mobile Crane Inspection Guidelines - OSHA, Mobile Crane Pendant Line Removal Criteria, Rigging Gear Inspection Reference Card, Lattice Boom Cranes Inspection Form, Telescoping Boom Cranes Inspection Form, Sheave Gauges (x2), Calipers, Marlin Spike, and ITI Mobile Crane Inspector Load Charts.
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