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Industrial Training InternationalFeb 15, 2016 11:58:10 AM1 min read

Showcase Webinar Series Still Going Strong

Showcase Webinar Series Still Going Strong

The ITI Showcase Webinar Series and the Energizer Bunny. They both just keep going, and going, and going[1]. Cranes, rigging, load handling, lift planning, heavy transport, and human performance improvement are amongst the topics highlighted in the webinar series since 2012. To date, over 3,000 individuals from over 50 countries have made the choice to improve their craft by attending a webinar.

The series is hosted by ITI Technical Director/CEO Mike Parnell, and is a free to anyone with an internet connection. The Showcase Webinar Series continues to be fortunate enough to welcome guest presenters to provide additional expert opinions on all things cranes, rigging, and load handling. Every webinar session has been recorded and is available for unlimited viewing in the ITI Showcase Webinar Archive

2016 is already off and running and so is the Showcase Webinar Series. The January edition, titled Safe Lifting and Handling of Rebar Cages - Deep Foundations, featured guest Vincent Siefert PE, President/Founder of Siefert Associates. Mr. Siefert’s presentation had been previously evaluated and approved for Professional Development Hours (PDHs) by the Practicing Institute of Engineering, Inc., and 1.5 PDHs were awarded to attendees who took a short quiz following the webinar. 


Upcoming Webinars

  • Wednesday, February 24, 10 am PST/1 pm EST
  • Host: Zack Parnell, President, ITI


Knowns & Unknowns: Industrial Accidents that Drifted into Failure

  • Wednesday, March 23, 10 am PDT/1 pm EDT
  • Host: Mike Parnell, Technical Director/CEO, ITI
  • Guest: Bill Rigot, Human Performance Practitioner

Future Topics?

There is no end in sight for the Showcase Webinar Series. That being said, it is imperative that these monthly events remain relevant, interesting, and most importantly valuable to a majority of the industry. The folks responsible for scheduling future webinars might not be the smartest cookies, but they are smart enough to ask for help once in a while! 

Click on the button below to lend a hand. 

[1] Sorry, just had to fulfill the superfluous and outdated comparison quota.



Industrial Training International

Cranes | Rigging | Lift Planning | Engineering | VR Simulation