In most cases, synthetic slings had been properly selected but not well protected. Web slings and roundslings can be quickly damaged from cutting and friction. In ASME B30.9 Slings it states, "Slings in contact with edges, corners, protrusions, or abrasive surfaces shall be protected with a material of sufficient strength, thickness, and construction to prevent damage".
A key reminder is that the sling protection material needs to be able to hold the sling away from the load edge and significant contact points, even when under severe pressure. We encourage everyone to help save lives and loads, by using robust and dependable, cut-proof sling protection.
The ITI Bookstore has the Sling Protection Poster above as well as a Positive Connections Poster. Feel free to call 1.888.567.8472 to order. You will receive a free Mike's Safety Tips Set (Mobile Crane, Overhead Crane, Rigging) if you mention the promo code: blog.