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Industrial Training InternationalAug 21, 2019 4:16:13 PM1 min read

Mobile Crane Operator Evaluator Course from ITI Online [New!]


The answer to all of your OSHA 1926.1427 evaluator questions

The ITI Online Crane & Rigging Library is growing! The newest course specifically addresses the requirements of those conducting evaluations of crane operators, as outlined in OSHA 1926.1427: Cranes & Derricks in Construction. Within the 50,000+ words of the full document, the following passage is key:

1926.1427(f)(4) - The evaluation required under paragraph (f)(1) of this section must be conducted by an individual who has the knowledge, training, and experience necessary to assess equipment operators.

In short, 1926.1427(f) covers operator evaluations and their role in establishing operator qualification. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that their operators, through an evaluation, are qualified via a demonstration of skills and knowledge. That brings us to 1926.1427(f)(4), which defines just exactly who can administer an evaluation of a crane operator. Key words from the passage are: knowledge, training, and experience

Mobile Crane Operator Evaluator addresses knowledge, training and experience by covering the following in detail:

  • Federal OSHA 1926 Subpart CC
  • Sample Evaluation Form
  • Operator Aides
  • Software
  • Safety Devices
  • Reference Materials

As it is an employer’s responsibility to determine the qualification of an operator evaluator, ITI Online removes any guess work from the situation and ultimately aims to elevate and help the industry gain awareness.

Operator Evaluator provides an evaluation form within the course for use, as well as example videos for how to perform a structured evaluation. Additionally, common mobile crane operator tasks and responsibilities regarding; load rating charts, emergency procedures, and hoisting procedures are covered in detail.

At the conclusion of the 4-hour course is a video exam that places the student in common scenarios of operators and an evaluation taking place where it must be determined whether the situation was handled correctly or incorrectly.

Purchase Course Now!

Additional ResourcesOpPro - Screens 01

Soon to be released, OperatorPro is a mobile application that will allow evaluators to perform evaluations on a mobile device and file them on record for operators, further streamlining the evaluation and record keeping process. Learn more here about what is coming and join the professional operators already using it at


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