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Industrial Training InternationalJul 17, 2018 12:46:49 PM2 min read

Lift & Move USA + ITI VR = The Next Generation of Crane Operators

SkillsUSA Conference Attendees Experience Crane Operation Via ITI VR Boom Truck Simulator

For the week of June 25-29, I had the privilege of attending the 2018 SkillsUSA 54th annual National Leadership and Skills Conference in Louisville, KY. This conference is the world’s largest showcase of skilled trades. Quality career and technical education was the centerpiece of the conference. More than 18,000 students, teachers, education leaders, and representatives from 600 national corporations, trade associations, businesses, and labor unions participated.

SkillsUSA is a partnership with students, teachers, and industry leaders working together to ensure that America has a skilled workforce for the future. SkillsUSA is a Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) that represents 130 different occupational areas of study. Technical training is complimented with leadership development so that members can learn about their chosen field of study, and about themselves, national membership is approaching 350,000, and includes representatives from high schools, colleges, post-secondary programs, and industry partners.

ITI partnered with with Lift & Move USA to participate as an exhibitor for this conference.uPwD36jh_400x400 As a career exploration and education outreach initiative, Lift & Move USA plays an important role in filling the pipeline with future workers to replace the drivers, operators, and riggers who are retiring and leaving behind jobs that require specialized skills and technical knowledge. “It’s a continuous process,” says Lift & Move Director, Tracy Bennett, “As many of the people who fill those roles will eventually move into jobs with even greater responsibilities as inspectors, safety managers, and lift directors.”

kec boom truckLift & Move USA had support from SC&RA members to demonstrate rigging, crane operation through simulation, and other hands-on activities is critical to engaging students in discussions about career opportunities in this industry. ITI's Boom Truck Crane VR simulator and the rigging gear supplied by Equipment Training Solutions opened the door for conversations with students about how their skill sets and aptitude fit into potential career paths in the crane, rigging, and transportation sectors.

About SkillsUSA

SkillsUSA is a United States career and technical student organization serving more than 395,000 high school, college and middle school students and professional members enrolled in training programs in trade, technical and skilled service occupations, including health occupations.

About Lift & Move USA

Lift & Move USA is an industry-led initiative to address the skills gap in the USA's crane, rigging, and specialized transport sectors. Companies are looking for mechanics, riggers, equipment operators and many other roles, and there are great career opportunities for those willing to learn and work hard. The centerpiece of the program is regular events around the country, hosted by major players in the industry, that showcase the opportunities to build rewarding and successful careers.



Industrial Training International

Cranes | Rigging | Lift Planning | Engineering | VR Simulation