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Industrial Training InternationalJul 22, 2014 11:08:00 AM3 min read

Human Performance Improvement Guru Joins Rigging Engineering team


Contact: Jonah Hobson, Marketing Manager

Telephone: 1-800-727-6355


Human Performance Improvement Practitioner Joins Rigging Engineering Program 

Industrial Training International (, a world leader in crane, rigging, and lifting educational services, is happy to announce William (Bill) Rigot as the newest instructor of Fundamentals of Rigging Engineering, the world’s only Rigging Engineering training program.

Mr. Rigot is a Human Performance Improvement (HPI) practitioner who Bill Rigotspecializes in managing risk in technical industries where risk management is particularly applicable. He draws on extensive experience with the Navy’s Nuclear Power Program, and most recently with the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Savannah River Site (SRS). At SRS, Rigot held the responsibility of managing training, engineering, and plutonium operations activities. 

CommanaderCommander Rigot served twenty years in the U.S. Navy on a variety of surface ships, including three tours on nuclear powered ships. He was the Executive Officer of the Navy’s nuclear prototype site at West Milton, NY where a staff of 600 instructors provided advanced training for as many as 1,600 nuclear power students under the demanding oversight of Admiral Rickover and Naval Reactors. While on the prototype staff he directly served Admiral Rickover as a Naval Reactors Representative, providing contract oversight for General Electric, the prime contractor.  In his last nuclear assignment, Commander Rigot served as Chief Engineer in USS NIMITZ (CVN-68), completing two deployments and two extensive shipyard availabilities.

Human Performance Improvement (HPI) is the organized progression of isolating and examining the root cause of performance issues, and implementing strategies to improve these issues on an organizational scale. When broken down further, HPI is a blend of three central methods: performance analysis, cause analysis, and intervention selection. Organizations have turned to HPI, sometimes also referred to as Human Performance Technology (HTP), as a driver of improvement in terms of societal, organizational and individual performance. 

The International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) has developed a set of standards specific to HPI. These standards include:

  • Focus on Results
  • Take a Systems View
  • Add Value
  • Utilize Partnerships
  • Systematic Assessment of Need or Opportunity
  • Systematic Cause Analysis
  • Systematic Design
  • Systematic Development
  • Systematic Implementation
  • Systematic Evaluation

For a complete, detailed explanation of each standard, visit

Fundamentals of Rigging Engineering

Fundamentals of Rigging Engineering seeks to serve engineers who come on the crane and rigging scene with backgrounds in mechanical, civil, structural or other branches of engineering, but with little to no formal education when it specifically applies to cranes and rigging activities. Another student profile includes field-experienced crane and rigging manager who have graduated through the ranks to key roles such as lift planner, crane or riggingFoRE E-Book superintendent, or master rigger. These professionals have learned a great deal on the job, but lack the technical engineering education behind load handling activities.

Fundamentals of Rigging Engineering seeks to serve both of these groups, as well as anyone else that can be categorized as a lifting or hoisting authority by providing foundational knowledge in rigging engineering through exposing participants to lifting challenges and provide them with the resources needed to solve those challenges. 

To better understand the breadth and depth of this cutting-edge new program, ITI has made the Fundamentals of Rigging Engineering Program eBook available to all wishing to learn more. The program eBook covers the following topics:

  • Program format and delivery method
  • Profiles on all 14 instructors/curriculum developers
  • A complete program outline
  • Individual outlines for all 10 courses
  • Program pricing options
  • A list of program supporters and customers

The program eBook is available for download in a convenient, easy to use pdf format. For instant access to the eBook you can click here, or visit


Industrial Training International

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