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Industrial Training InternationalMay 14, 2014 12:45:00 PM1 min read

How Many Crane & Rigging Lifts? Download Your Lift Count Calculator

Why a Lift Count Calculator?

Ever wonder what you company’s exposure is to crane and rigging work? It is easy to understand the risk associated with lifting loads in crowded areas such as a construction site. Also, we realize there are projects like refinery and powerhouse outages that require load moving in areas that have significant potential for contact with obstructions.

ITI has used a “Lift Count Calculator” to help management groups grasp the potential for incidents by using a fill-in-the-blanks approach to assess their exposure to accidents. It tallies standard lifts and critical lifts and lets the evaluator arrive at an understanding of the number of lifting events that a site or corporation experiences in one year.

Your organization likely has its definition of standard vs. critical lift. Generally, standard lifts do not require any written plan or field documentation, besides verification of capacities by crane operators and riggers. A critical lift can assume potential hazards to personnel (suspended personnel platforms), loads having a high dollar value or long replacement time, contains a risk to the general public, or one that can impact the ongoing operation of the company.

When you use the ITI Lift Count Calculator, enter the data related to the number of cranes or hoists in you organization and then enter the “average” number of standard or critical lifts made each day or month as specified. You might be surprised at the numbers that your company generates.

ITI can help reduce the risks tied to your standard and critical lifts by helping improve the skills of your people and the procedures related to load handling. Through our Lift Director and Critical Lift Planning programs, we can take your folks to the next level of expertise, while lowering the risks related to load handling.

Happy Trails to all of my Crane and Rigging Friends,

Mike Parnell
ITI – Field Services


Industrial Training International

Cranes | Rigging | Lift Planning | Engineering | VR Simulation