As we begin to plan to move a load horizontally, using a set of industrial rollers, we should consider some options that can help ensure a success.
1. Identify the weight and center-of-gravity of the load.
2. Select a set of 3 rollers and “surround” the center-of-gravity at hard points underneath the load. When using three, we have continual pressure to the rollers’ bearing points, like a 3-leg milking stool. If the floor is uneven (undulations) and four rollers are in use, it is common for one roller to disengage causing diagonal loading of two rollers.
3. If a single roller is near one end of the load, and the other two are opposing it on the other side of the center-of-gravity, the single roller is typically used as the “steering” roller. The shorter the “wheel-base” is, the more maneuverable the load. A long wheel-base causes challenges when turning corners. Think about the wheel-base underneath a school bus. With a short wheel-base, it can turn 90deg corners easily and efficiently.
4. Ensure that each industrial roller has the necessary rated capacity to bear the amount of load intended for it.
Happy trails my rigging friends,
Mike Parnell, ITI – Field Services