Our industry depends on cranes, rigging and other load handling equipment. The big key to success is having folks who are competent, qualified and capable at multiple levels to be able to safely and effectively get work done.
If you have a solid knowledge base in the rudimentary operations and practices of load handling, you should get ready for the next step. Why? You are the future of our industry. You may well be appointed to the next level of oversight that incorporates the use of the equipment and the procedures related to project execution.
If you are being considered or have been appointed as a foreman or supervisor to manage any size crew who uses cranes and rigging, you will want to further your education in the subjects of your profession. In the 1968 book called “Peter Principle”, by Laurence J. Peter (1919-1990), Mr. Peter observed that in some cases, people tend to be promoted until they reach their level of incompetence. Their advancement to a new job is based on their previous successes that demanded a limited set of skills. Their new assignment may incorporate some of their existing skills but also demand competency in areas that they may not be prepared for. Don’t be a living example of the Peter Principle.
Take a pro-active approach today and get the proper tools for your new and expanding assignment. These tools involve skills and knowledge of the subject matter. In our world that may mean exposure to a few subjects like:
1. Advanced Rigging Inspection and Trouble Shooting
2. Intermediate and Advanced Rigging
3. Mobile Crane Operations and Load Chart Interpretation
4. Lift Director Responsibilities
5. Lift Planning
6. Accident Investigation
7. Crane and Rigging Audits
8. Crane Inspections
9. Safety Procedures, LOTO, PPE and HazMat
10. Crane Assembly/Disassembly
11. Contingency Planning
12. Emergency Response
Others in your organization are depending on your current and future work skills and operational knowledge. Make sure your competency grows with your assignments. If you are ready for the next step, visit our website (www.iti.com) and see which of our programs can help you avoid the Peter Principle.
Happy trails,
Mike Parnell
P.S. Believe me when I tell you that at ITI, all of our trainers and consultants are asked to live by an axiom that reflects this article; “Be a student first and a trainer second”. I get up each morning and wonder what will I learn today? What questions can I ask, who can give me insight that I don’t have, and what situation can I learn from, that will make me better prepared for tomorrow? Would you forgive a seasoned veteran (old man) for being a little preachy?
Proverbs 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.