Lifting Technologies, headquartered in Missoula, Montana has a nice working relationship with Industrial Training International. They supply crane suspended manbaskets at ITI Training Centers in Woodland, Washington and Memphis, Tennessee while hundreds of project engineers, operators, and riggers utilize them each year in crane and rigging training programs.
Matter-of-fact, ITI students have often commented how much they have enjoyed the manbaskets in the Lift Director/Site Supervisor and Critical Lift Planning courses because the final exercise of the course involves the students completing a critical lift plan: elevating volunteer students 100 feet in the air to secure the American Flag to the hook of another mobile crane. This training exercise helps reinforce the need for pre-planning. Instructions for proper inspection and usage can by found in ASME B30.23 Personnel Lifting Systems.
“We are setting an example to our customers every time that they set foot in our Training Centers and we will only utilize the industries best manufactured equipment,” commented Mike Parnell, CEO/President of ITI. “Lifting Technologies has manufactured a superb product.” Parnell also is the sitting Vice Chair of the ASME B30 Main Committee on Cranes & Rigging, as well as the Chair of the ASME P30 Main Committee on Lift Planning.