Contact: Jonah Hobson, Marketing Manager
Telephone: 780-490-6611
By the Numbers: Heavy Rigging & Lifting Workshop
ITI expects similar figures for the Oil Sands Lifting Workshop in September
Here you will find a breakdown of the Heavy Rigging & Lifting Workshop that took place June 17-19, 2013 in Edmonton, Alberta. If you were unable to attend this educational event, be sure to make it to the Oil Sands Lifting Workshop in Fort McMurray, September 4-6, 2013.
130 Leaders in Attendance with Various Job Titles
Attendees by Role: Diverse group of professionals
Attendees by Industry: 33% Energy Fabricators
Attendees by Location: 4 out of 5 Albertans
ITI Training Courses Requested by Attendees: 230 courses requested in evaluations after the event
ITI Field Services Requested by Attendees: 70 service requests in evaluations after the event
Top 5 Sessions: As voted on in post-workshop evaluations
Ratings of the Workshop, Student Materials, and Venue
For more information about ITI Workshops - student registration or event sponsorship - call 1-800-727-6355 to speak with Laurie Williams, ITI Workshops Associate (