Contact: Jonah Hobson, Marketing Manager
Telephone: 1-800-727-6355
Accident Investigation Training Course Announced from ITI
New course designed to offer students the opportunity to investigate multiple accident scenes
Industrial Training International (, a world leader in crane and rigging training, is proud to unveil the world’s first in-depth crane and rigging accident investigation training course. Officially titled, Accident Investigation for Cranes, Rigging and Material Handling Operations, the course will feature three accident scenes to be analyzed by participants. Scenes include a mobile crane, rigging, and forklift accident.
The ultimate goal of those who practice lifting activities is to complete lifts while staying accident free; unfortunately, lifting accidents occur worldwide on an almost daily basis. ITI’s Accident Investigation Course is the first step an organization can take to prepare for proper response to a load handling incident.
“Our Field Services team has conducted accident investigations for nearly 30 years. We wanted to bring what we've learned to organizational management teams, so that they would have the knowledge and skills to conduct internal investigations and help prevent future incidents,” commented Mike Parnell, President/CEO of ITI.
ITI Innovation Leads to Accident Investigation Course
Over the past quarter-century, ITI has become recognized by clients and competitors alike as having an innovative and pioneering attitude toward training, and for having raised the current levels of instruction for cranes, rigging, and lifting activities.
Since its inception as Wire Rope & Rigging Consultants in 1986, ITI has consistently added to its curriculum which currently contains over 30 courses. ITI’s newest course proves the company is willing to push industry boundaries by exposing students to the most realistic accident training sites in the world.
Major Investments in the Course
To do the new course justice, and the "ITI way", a substantial investment was made in both human capital and physical assets. After hundreds of man-hours were spent in planning and course development, ITI Instructors systematically tipped over a Grove TM-180 (18-ton truck-mounted crane) at the ITI Training Center in Woodland, Washington. A "dropped load" rigging accident was also setup as well as a forklift, which was turned onto its side.
Learning Objectives & Availability
Students participating in the Accident Investigation Course will work in investigative teams to determine causation, violations, and corrective actions.
Learning Objectives include:
Understanding Equipment Operations
Federal, State and Provincial Regulations and Standards
Operator/Rigger Assignments & Performance
Fact vs. Fiction
Leading Cause Identification
Violations of Corporate and Jurisdictional Requirements
Corrective Action Plan
The three-day course will be offered at ITI's Woodland, Washington, USA Training Center as an open enrollment course; the pilot program will comence September 10, 2013.
Click here for upcoming courses.
ITI will also offer the course at individual customer facilities by bringing along dozens of iPads with over 1,000 incident pictures for students to use to investigate the scenes from their remote location.
Pricing for the open-enrollment course is $1,995 per student. Please contact ITI for customer-location pricing.
For more information please visit or call 1-800-727-6355.