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Industrial Training InternationalApr 12, 2010 7:51:00 AM1 min read

6 Items to Consider When Conducting Periodic Hoist Rope Inspections

1. Review the OEM (Original Equipment Specifications) and compare the Mill Certificates to those specifications and verify that the installed wire rope meets the required construction and breaking strength as outlined. Records of the receipt inspection of the hoist line would have the diameter & lay length measurements recorded.

2. To assist the qualified inspector, an in-house periodic inspection form could be developed and have information from the previous inspection, removal criteria from governing standards and documentation area for the inspectors findings.

3. Measure the diameter of the wire rope starting near the drum end connection to help establish the near "new" diameter, and then work towards the outer end connection.  Take a sample measurement from various locations along the length of the rope. For multi-layer drums always check the change-of-layer points for significant abrasion. (New approach by the Wire Rope Technical Board and ASME is to remove the wire rope from service if it displays more than 5% loss of diameter due to wear, internal nicking, and gouging or core damage. This generally applies to IWRC type ropes, not fiber core.)

4. Lay length measurements should be taken from the same areas as mentioned above. This measurement would assist the inspector to determine if there is evidence of degradation and if so a more detailed inspection may be warranted.

5. During this inspection, the inspector should be able to observe the rope's condition looking for broken wires, peening, corrosion, crushing, heat damage, loss of diameter and localized metal loss. Working with an operator, get the rope relaxed and physically bend the wire rope by hand and listen/feel for "snapping" or dislodging wires which might indicate internal core failure or "valley breaks" in outer strand wires.

6. Check the rope at any equalizer sheave and end connection where severe abrasion or fatigue damage can accumulate, resulting in broken wires in the core area and outer strands.


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