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Industrial Training InternationalMar 12, 2010 9:54:00 AM< 1 min read

4 Things about Conducting Crane & Rigging Training in Colombia


  1. They are very hungry for technical information and always appreciate your input. They try hard to apply your instruction and are willing students.
  2. Borrowing equipment for hands-on training is difficult since there are only so many cranes available due to contracted work at a facility, such as an oil & gas production site. Work fast and early to secure the necessary cranes and rigging for the practical workshops.
  3. Respect the hierarchy of the operation. When providing training, always prepare by gaining an understanding of how the operation and departments interact, and who is responsible for what. Don't assume they are operating based on a U.S. model or structure.
  4. Know your surroundings and understand the risks related to getting into and out of the facility hosting the training. There are still thousands of kidnappings each year in Colombia, and your safety may be compromised for a variety of reasons. My last trip to Colombia ended up with our security detail carrying Uzi's. Fortunately, they were pointed away from our party and not at us.



Industrial Training International

Cranes | Rigging | Lift Planning | Engineering | VR Simulation