Photo: Screenshot from new ITI Basic Entertainment Rigging & Inspection Course. The course is available now.
Hi Friend,
And the winner is...
You might have heard about the recent survey ITI conducted to explore the expanded use of virtual reality in the world of cranes and rigging. Check out the results here.
You may have also heard that those who completed the survey in its entirety were entered to win an Apple Watch or Amazon Echo. Thank you to all those who participated, the data provided is invaluable to industry.
The time has come to announce the grand prize winners!
Apple Watch Winner
Timothy R., Hutter Construction
Amazon Echo Winner
Are you on LinkedIn?
1. If you are, that's great! We will get back to you in a minute.
2. If you aren't, you should really think about giving it a shot. LinkedIn is the best we to connect with other professionals in our industry. In fact, as of 2015, one out of every three professionals on planet Earth are part of the LinkedIn Network.
Okay, now the really important stuff. There are a couple ways to connect with ITI on LinkedIn. First, you can visit and then follow the ITI Company Page at Benefits of following the company page include, being the first to hear all ITI/Industry Updates and growing your network by making new connections.
Have you taken an ITI Training Course in the past? Have you added that course to the education section on your LinkedIn Profile? If you haven't, there is no easier way to keep track of your commitment to continuing education. Let everyone in your network know how you have invested in yourself to be the best you can be.
Click here to add your ITI Course History to your profile.