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Even if they don't say it every day, employees need and want training. Whether it is sports, entertainment, politics, or just plain old work, the feeling of not being adequately prepared to take on and complete a project is unenviable to say the least. So, its settled that training is good, not many people would argue that, but now comes the hard part. Creating, executing, and scaling effective training plans sounds pretty straightforward, but in reality, the process presents a host of challenges for training mangers, safety leaders, and efficiency gurus.
To the Infographic...
It’s been a long journey, but the highly deliberated OSHA Final Cranes and Derricks Rule is set to take effect on November 10, 2018. Originally issued in August 2010, the revised standard aimed, “…to update and specify industry work practices necessary to protect employees during the use of cranes and derricks in construction,” (Federal Register/ Vol. 75, No. 152/ Monday, August 9, 2010). The rule goes on to call for mandatory national certification for crane operators working in construction industries. Stakeholders from all sides of the issue voiced opinions on the final crane and derricks rule, with strong concern voiced over the enforcement of said rule. The stakeholder dialog eventually resulted in a separate final rule published in September 2014, that delayed the operator certification and competency requisites by three years to November 2017.
Onward to the E-Book...
Used internationally as course material, IHSA (Infrastructure Health & Safety Association, in Canada) has published the most authoritative text in the crane industry and has made it even better. As the most comprehensive technical resource on mobile cranes, the Mobile Crane Manual has been completely updated and new sections added for the growing industry.
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