Plus - Rigging Engineering Calculations [New Bookstore Item Alert!]
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Hello Friend,
This summer has been pretty busy over here at ITI... Check out what we've been up to!
Technology and Innovation: 11 Quotes to Inspire Your Team
We are living in a time of rapid growth of technology and innovation. 200 years ago, people probably didn't think that we could talk to humans without being in the same physical space. 50 years ago, we probably couldn't imagine using those same devices without a cord. 15 years ago, we probably had no idea that we would have an infinite amount of information in the palm of or hands with the same device. Telephones have come such a long way throughout recent history, but we wouldn't have the smartphones that we have today if it hadn't been for people with a thirst for innovation.
How To Rigging Engineering Style [New Book]
Rigging Engineering Calculations is the latest resource by Keith Anderson (Author of Rigging Engineering Basics, and Chief Rigging Engineer at Bechtel). A generous "how-to" for calculations required in rigging operations. Using uncomplicated language, principles are broken down for clarification. For convenience, formulas are derived and applied with examples in both metric and imperial systems.
Free ITI Online 15-Day Trail
Seriously! We are not joking when we say that you can sign up for a FREE 15-day trail of our ITI Online courses. Our online content includes courses on cranes, rigging, industrial safety, plant maintenance, and rigging engineering. Sign up today!