Roles & Responsibilities Exercise, and it is really easy to setup the Virtual Reality (VR) Mobile Crane Simulator Desktop Unit.
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ITI Today - Share & Subscribe

Volume 2, Issue 12


Photo: ITI Instructor Bob Schumacher teaching a Rigging Gear Inspector Course at the Chicago Training Center on the campus of Lifting Gear Hire (LGH). LGH will play host to the upcoming Lift & Move USA event on May 3. Click the image for more details and to learn how you can participate in the event!


Hi Friend, 

Roles & Responsibilities Exercise (ASME B30.5- and OSHA 1926.1416)

Match the person's role with appropriate description below.

1. Crane Owner _____
2. Crane User _____
3. Rigger _____
4. Signalperson _____
5. Site Supervisor _____
6. Lift Director _____
7. Operator _____
8. Competent Person _____
9. Qualified Person _____


Ensuring that standard, discernible hand or voice signals provided to the operator are in accordance with the equipment manufacturer's requirements.


Person who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.


Providing a crane that meets the requirements of ASME B30.5 as well as specific job requirements as defined by the user.


A person who, by profession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training and experience, successfully demonstrated the ability to solve/resolve problems relating to the subject matter, the work, or the projects.


Ensuring that the crane is in proper operating condition prior to initial use at the work site.


Selecting the proper rigging equipment, inspecting it, and complying with the applicable operating practices.


Ensuring that the crane operations are coordinated with other job site activities that will be affected by or will affect lift operations.


Being at the job site during lifting operations and stopping crane operations if alerted to unsafe condition affecting operations.


Knowing what types of site conditions could adversely affect the operation of the crane and consulting with the lift director concerning the possible presence of those conditions.


Answers Below!


VR Mobile Crane Sim - Desktop Hardware Setup [Video]

It is really easy to setup the Virtual Reality (VR) Mobile Crane Simulator Desktop Unit. Seriously, its so easy. When people say, "...its as easy as pie," well, setting up the VR Mobile Crane Sim Desktop Unit is easier than pie, way easier. Not sure if the message of precisely just how easy setting up the VR Mobile Crane Sim Desktop Unit really is (Breaking News: its easy!), so go ahead and let Caleb Steinborn, Product Manager - ITI VR, walk you through the easy process!



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Association of Crane & Rigging Professionals

2017 General Assembly | May 9-12 | Tulalip, WA

The Association of Crane and Rigging Professionals (ACRP) is a nonprofit association whose mission is dedicated to improving crane operations and rigging activities in all industries. This is accomplished by providing educational opportunities to its members and the public. Each year at the national convention, ACRP members increase their knowledge by visiting and touring manufacturing facilities for crane and rigging products. In addition, the annual meeting Includes technical training sessions to enhance the knowledge base of members. Plus, these sessions provide an opportunity to gain CEU’s.

The 2017 General Assembly includes a Board of Director's Meeting, Crane & Load Handling Equipment Roundtable, Committee Meetings, and a Tour of Samson Rope, and much, much more.

For more information on the 2017 and to register to attend visit today!

Roles & Responsibilities [Answers]

How did you do? If it wasn't as hot as you'd hoped, it might be time to look into the ITI Lift Director & Critical Lift Planning Course! Look for an upcoming open enrollment course near you:


1. C 2. E 3. F 4. A 5. G 6. H 7. I 8. B 9. D

Rigging Engineering [Free Demo]

The Fundamentals of Rigging Engineering Program is a comprehensive introduction to the science and art of the engineering behind heavy rigging, lifting, and transport activities. This program was built to prepare key personnel with foundational knowledge in rigging engineering, exposing students to what they need to consider, and provide them with the resources to solve a challenge when it arises.

To the demo!

Guide to Mobile Crane Safety Management [Bookstore]

Ronald M. Kohner, PE & Robert M. Hontz
The Guide to Mobile Crane Safety Management is a comprehensive reference manual published by the Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association (SC&RA) for crane and lifting operations. Focused on four key areas of consideration when managing mobile crane utilization on a job site including Risk; Lift Classification; Lift Planning; and Job site Issues.

ITI Online

Does your organization use a learning management system (LMS)? Did you know that ITI can help you implement an LMS or even upload ITI content into an existing LMS? 

Learn More!

Thanks for reading!

Team ITI


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